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Satori Centre for the Arts
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Dāphā Calling 2020 Season I
Dāphā Calling 2021 Season II
दशैँ दाफा। लेखकः नेशन श्रेष्ठ
लालहिरा प्याखँको खोजी। लेखकः नेशन श्रेष्ठ, पुष्पा षलाञ्चोके
किपुली ह्वःगु दाफा स्वां। लेखकः नेशन श्रेष्ठ
पुरुषले जसरी गाउने र भन्दै पन्छिन्थे, अहिले स्टेजमै दिन्छन् प्रस्तुति। लेखकः सविना श्रेष्ठ
Keeping the dapha alive. Writer: Aishwarya Baidar
नगर प्रमुखपाखें दाफा पुकारया उलेज्या थीथी बाजं व म्येँ गुरुपिंत हना।
दाफा पुकारया तालिमय् बाँसुरी व दाफा ब्वज्या।
नासःद्यःया ख्वाःपाः l गुरु राजेन्द्र महर्जन नाप l Dāphā Calling l Season 2 l Ep III
Dāphā Calling: Revitalizing Our Musical Heritage. Season I. Episode I. Speak About Dāphā Khalah.
Dāphā Calling: Revitalizing our Musical Heritage. Season I. Episode II. Expanding the Dāphā Khalah.
Dāphā Calling: Revitalizing our Musical Heritage. Season I. Episode III. Dāphā on Stage
Dāphā Calling: Revitalizing our Musical Heritage. Season I. Episode IV. Locale in Focus
Dāphā Exchange: An inter-generational and inter-city exchange l Dāphā Calling lSeason 2 lEp I
How much have we changed? l Dr. Subhash Prajapati l Dāphā Calling l Season 2 l Ep IV
संगीतया सलय् एकरुपता व विविधता l डा.भिक्टोरिया डालजेल नाप l Dāphā Calling l Season 2 l Ep II
Folk Lok Program Intro Video
Tahnani Dapha Khalah’s apprenticeship program during the global pandemic. Presenter: Pushpa Palanchoke
Understanding Dapha: A sacred music tradition in Nepal. MSW Conference 2021. Presenter: Pushpa Palanchoke
Dāphā Calling: Revitalizing our Musical Heritage. Season I. Keynote Speech by Tri Ratna Manandhar
Uniformity and diversity in musical sounds l Dr. Victoria Dalzell l Dāphā Calling l Season 2 l Ep II
Tahnani Dāphā Khalah | Dilip Maharjan & Siddhi Narayan Maharjan | Dāphā Calling l Season 2 l Ep V
Where does our pati stand? l Prof. Christiane Brosius l Dāphā Calling l Season 2 l Ep VI l PODCAST
"डेढ सय वर्षपछि रागमा रम्दै महिला" हिमाल खबर
Swiss Airtime Radio Project 2022
Basanta from Kaleidoscope Residency,
Sakala Gwara Performed for EITV
Interaction at Himalayan Soul's Club House
"Echoes from the Himalayas" POLO WOMEN