Our Programs
Our programs use stories, art, and literature to develop a critical consciousness, challenge oppressive practices, effect change, and enable self-actualization.

U.S. Embassy’s Book Bus 2020-05-15
The Book Bus is one of the nine American spaces run by the American Library. It is sponsored by the American Embassy in Kathmandu and is operated by Satori Centre for the Arts. Since November 22, 2013, the Book Bus has traveled over 43,642 kilometers in Nepal. It has visited over 1,700 schools, colleges, and community centers and directly worked with over 339,314 people.

Word Warriors: Spoken Word Poetry Group 2020-05-15
We are a group of poets and educators leading the spoken word movement in Nepal. We write, perform, and facilitate spoken word poetry workshops, organize events, and implement programs around poetry, literature, and poetry-based education across the country.

Histories from Home 2020-05-22
At Satori, we are committed to creating platforms for the sharing of stories and the lived experiences of those who have traditionally been marginalized. Through the Histories from Home program we work with different communities to help them tell their own stories and share them with a wider community.

Media Literacy and Writing Workshop 2020-05-22
In today’s world, what we know is dependent on us being able to separate misinformation and disinformation from reliable and credible sources. But, in the age of information - how do we do this? Our Media Literacy and Writing program is designed to help us become better at filtering information and creating content that is reliable.

Experiential Learning Programs 2020-05-22
Our Experiential Learning (EXL) Programs are designed to provide immersive experiences for students and visitors to learn about social justice, climate change, and art history. They can take the form of exhibitions, fairs, and interactive events. In the past, we have worked with the Natural History Museum in Kathmandu to design activities that encourage students to engage and learn about the various exhibits in the museum

Civil Rights and Liberties 2020-05-22
Workshops, discussion, exhibitions and film screenings introducing the concept of inequality and the importance of civil rights and liberties to institutionalize democratic procedures, ensure the protection of human rights, and establish the rule of law to create stability, peace and prosperity.

Innovation in Education Fair 2020-05-22
The Innovation in Education Fair (IEF) is an annual forum for educational professionals to discuss how to make our teaching and learning practices more engaging, meaningful, and memorable for students and teachers.

Folk Lok 2020-05-22
Folk Lok is a community-based arts program focused on the revitalization of the Dāphā music tradition practiced by the Tahnani Dāphā Khalah, a traditional musical group in Kirtipur. It supports the documentation of Dāphā music, builds community linkages to Dāphā music, and is hoping to revive the Lal Hira Pyākhã, a musical theatrical performance based on a local folklore in Kirtipur.

STEAM Programs 2020-09-01
A Book Bus program that fosters a collaborative, entrepreneurial, and problem-solving culture among the Nepali youth through experiential engagement with scientific concepts and theories.

eKāsā 2022-07-20
eKāsā: The Book Bus eSports Alliance is an eSports club by the U.S. Embassy’s Book Bus in collaboration with North America Scholastic Esports Federation (NASEF). The name eKāsā originates from the word ‘Kāsā’ from Nepal Bhasa, which means sports. eKāsā aims to create an inclusive community-based space for youths interested in gaming to come together, play, and socialize, while learning different technical and interpersonal skills.